Fresh National Hub

Fresh National Hub

If you’re an entrepreneur, business owner or professional in New South Wales, Fresh National is the perfect way to grow your network and your business. If you understand the value of business networking but are time-poor (who isn’t?) Fresh National offers the perfect answer – networking with more connections and without the hassle, time and travel. We’re the experts on networking on a national scale, so read on to find out more about Fresh National and how we can help you extend your businesses growth potential.

Our meetings Fresh National area and state hub meetings are held fortnightly over zoom. We have several different meeting agendas, and rotate through them, to keep things fresh, dynamic and fun. Our meetings are opportunities to hear about members’ businesses, discuss business issues, ask for help and make new connections. Although we hold our meetings virtually, we’re not tied to the screen. Because we’re organised by local area, it’s easy to catch up face to face between meetings if you choose to.

Beyond New South Wales National networking breaks geographic barriers – Fresh National has area hubs across not just New South Wales, but Victoria and Queensland too. When you join Fresh National, you not only attend your area hub meetings, but can visit any other area hub in Australia, as often as you like. It’s all part of building the strong connections that are the hallmark of Fresh National.

How Does this Fresh National Hub Work?

Our Next Meeting

At every meeting, a member gives a presentation about their business, or a topic on which they are an expert. This helps us to build the ‘know, like and trust’ that is at the heart of Fresh. By getting to know a member that bit better, we get closer to understanding their ideal referral and whether we can introduce them to any of our contacts.

Speaker Presentation for next meeting:

Fresh Speaker

  • Fresh Networking
Topic to be added

Description to be added...

Key points

To be added...


Come along as a guest and experience a Fresh National meeting for yourself. You can be sure of a warm welcome and some great connections.


Fresh Networking